
  •         Players reach Lv55 or above.
  •         Players open the Friends UI and select Swear.
  •         Players create a party, interact with the Tree of Circle in Archosaur City, then select [I want to swear] to start a sworn relationship
  •         There are 3 to 6 members in the sworn relationshiop. Each player may join one relationship only.
  •         Required items: The party leader must bring the item [Sworn Sheet], it costs 1 for a sworn relationship.



Steps of forming a sworn relationship

  •         Bước 1: Đặt tên cho nhóm kết bái của mình (Chỉ có đội trưởng, thủ lĩnh sau khi kết bái được quyền nhập), độ dài tối đa 8 ký tự.

Step 1: The party leader must give the name to the relationship. Limited to 8 characters.

Step 2: Each member enters their own date of birth to decide the seniority in the relationship


  •         Step 3: Confirm the seniority


  •         Step 4: Enter the custom title that can be shown/hidden in the Title interface, maximum to 8 characters. If you don't enter a custom title, a system default title will be granted instead.


  •         Step 5: Swear- All members swear the oath. For better or for worse, you are brothers and sisters from now on.



  •         United Effect: Members of the same relationshiop have a chance to trigger a United effect for 5 seconds in combat, increasing PDEF and MDEF by 150. This effect appears more often as the average Affection between these players rises. Once triggered by one player, this effect is applied to all members.


Affection and United effect trigger rate:

o    200 to 500 Affection points: 2%

o    501 to 1000 Affection points: 3%

o    1001 to 1500 Affection points: 4%

o    1501 to 2500 Affection points: 5%

o    2501 or above Affection points: 6%


Break up the relationship

  •         On the journey, there may be conflicts between companions that cannot be reconciled. There are 2 ways to end the relationship.



o     A relationship is disbanded automatically when none of the members is online for 30 days.

o    When there are only 2 members left, a mail will inform you that the relationship will be disbanded within 3 days unless there is a new member joins.

  •         Leave the relationship

o    Leaving actively: Tap the button [Leave] in the Relationship UI, requires 1 drop of Forgotten Potion. If you are a leader, you have to transfer the leadership to other members before leaving.


o    Leaving passively: The leader clicks on a member's avatar in the Relationshop UI and select [Expel] to expel this member from the relationship.


o    Note: The relationship will enter a disbanded mode if there are less than 3 members, so the leader cannot expel any member when there are 3 members left until another new member joins.